A higher-order function is:
In other languages, this feature may have another name. For example, Ruby names it block for a callee function, although the caller doesn’t have specific name.
In Clojure, caller functions are high-order functions while callees don’t have specific names.
Some well known higher-order functions are
, and
Before going to those core functions, let’s try the example below. This example is the first type of higher-order function. In this example, we will create a function that does something when given two vectors.
Advice to coaches
function is the same example in
anonymous function
If the attendees haven’t looked at the Anonymous Function section and they struggle to understand the example, go back to the Anonymous Function section.
user> ; suppose we want to combine two vectors and take even numbers out
user> (defn concat-evens
[vec1 vec2]
((fn [x] (filter even? x))
(concat vec1 vec2)))
user> (concat-evens [1 2 3] [4 5 6])
(2 4 6)
user> ; suppose we want to combine two vectors and take odd numbers out
user> (defn concat-odds
[vec1 vec2]
((fn [x] (filter odd? x))
(concat vec1 vec2)))
user> (concat-odds [1 2 3] [4 5 6])
(1 3 5)
user> ; let's see. the difference of two functions above is just even? or odd?
user> ; what if either even? or odd? function is passed as an argument?
user> (defn concat-some
[f vec1 vec2]
((fn [x] (filter f x))
(concat vec1 vec2)))
user> (concat-some even? [1 2 3] [4 5 6])
(2 4 6)
user> (concat-some odd? [1 2 3] [4 5 6])
(1 3 5)
user> ; yay! we created a higher-order function. concat-some takes a function as an argument.
As we saw above, higher-order functions are a useful way to make functions more generic.
Let’s try one more example. This example is the second type of higher-order function.
Advice to coaches
The partial
function may be difficult to undertand/use for beginners.
It would be good to use other examples, (partial * 2), to explain.
partial: http://clojuredocs.org/clojure_core/clojure.core/partial
user> (defn greeting-in-am [who]
(str "Good morning, " who))
user> (greeting-in-am "everybody")
"Good morning, everybody"
user> (defn greeting-in-pm [who]
(str "Good afternoon, " who))
user> (greeting-in-pm "everybody")
"Good afternoon, everybody"
user> (defn greeting-anytime [who]
(str "Hello, " who))
user> (greeting-anytime "everybody")
"Hello, everybody"
user> ; let's see. the difference of three functions above is
user> ; the first argument of str function only
user> ; can we create a generalized function?
user> (defn greeting [when]
(case when
:am (partial str "Good morning, ")
:pm (partial str "Good afternoon, ")
(partial str "Hello, ")))
user> (greeting :am)
#<core$partial$fn__4190 clojure.core$partial$fn__4190@19f112e5>
user> (greeting :pm)
#<core$partial$fn__4190 clojure.core$partial$fn__4190@4b232f3c>
user> (greeting :when?)
#<core$partial$fn__4190 clojure.core$partial$fn__4190@507155fb>
user> ; greeting function returns a function!
user> ((greeting :am) "everybody, " "nobody, " "whoever")
"Good morning, everybody, nobody, whoever"
user> ((greeting :pm) "Andy, " "Bob, " "Charlie, " "David")
"Good afternoon, Andy, Bob, Charlie, David"
user> ((greeting :hm...) "Ann, " "Beth")
"Hello, Ann, Beth"
user> ; only one greeting function covers three functions previously defined.
user> ; additionally, now, we can pass any number of arguments.
user> ; everything other than :am and :pm falls on the last "Hello, "
PCL -> Clojure, Chapter 11, Higher-order functions