“If it is a good weather, I will go to a park; otherwise, I’ll go to a cafe.” This is called “if-branching” in the programming world. Since the if-branching uses simple conditionals, it is frequently used to divide into two states: true or false.
In Clojure, if
is a special form. The syntax is:
(if test then else?)
or (if test then)
First, the Truthiness
of the test is checked.
If the test turns out to be true, the then part is run; otherwise, the else? part is run (if specified).
The else? part is optional.
user> (defn my-plan
(if (= :good weather) "I'll go to a park." "I'll go to a cafe."))
user> (my-plan :good)
"I'll go to a park."
user> (my-plan :bad) ; anythigns else :good falls to else?
"I'll go to a cafe."
user> ; when else? is not given
user> (defn my-plan2
(if (= :good weather) "I'll go to a park."))
user> (my-plan2 :good)
"I'll go to a park."
user> (my-plan2 :bad) ; anything else :good returns nil
As the if
syntax shows, Clojure doesn’t have else if.
If you need to be able to write else if, you can use cond
, case
and some more conditionals.
In addition to if
, some languages have an unless conditional which runs only if the test is false.
Clojure implements this with the if-not
macro. The syntax is:
(if-not test then else?)
or (if-not test then)
user> (defn my-plan3
(if-not (= :good weather) "I'll go to a cafe." "I'll go to a park."))
user> (my-plan3 :bad)
"I'll go to a cafe."
user> (my-plan3 :good)
"I'll go to a park."
Advice to coaches
You can show the other way to implement unless: (if (not (= ….)))
This would be an example of how Clojure has many ways to do the same thing.
In addition, Clojure has a unique way of using the if
conditional with the let
It is if-let
macro, which is useful when we want to use the result of test.
The syntax is:
(if-let bindings then)
or (if-let bindings then else & oldform)
user> (defn weather-is-good?
(if-let [actual (= :good weather)]
(str "The weather is good? " actual)
"The weather is at least not good."))
user> (weather-is-good? :good)
"The weather is good? true"
user> (weather-is-good? :bad)
"The weather is at least not good."
user> ; actual is availabe only in *then* clause
user> ; if actual is referred in *else* clause
user> (defn weather-is-good?
(if-let [actual (= :good weather)]
(str "The weather is good? " actual)
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: actual in this context, compiling:(/private/var/folders/4b/c9gsjvv12tq9n4mph065qs480000gn/T/form-init7461059366215401347.clj:3:9)
Special Froms, if
http://clojure.org/special_forms#Special Forms–(if test then else?)
Introduction to Clojure
Clojure for the Brave and True, Control Flow, if