We will create a very basic web application in this lab. Our web application doesn’t have any fancy feature. It just returns simple words to the web browser - no HTML, no CSS, no Javascript at all. This may be a boring app, but it’s good to understand how web applications work, and how we can build one using Clojure.
In this lab, we will use Ring https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring. Ring is like Ruby’s Rack or Python’s WSGI. It receives HTTP requests and returns HTTP responses. Ring is not a so-called web application framework. We won’t go further other than very basic examples.
Advice to coaches
Other labs use web application frameworks. It would be a good idea to explain the difference between Ring and frameworks. Also, mention other web application frameworks that are out there.
As in other labs, we start by creating a Clojure project.
$ lein new hello-ring
Add two dependencies, ring-core
and ring-jetty-adapter
, to project.clj
The ring-core
provides fundamental functions to handle HTTP request/response.
The other one, ring-jetty-adapter
provides the web server feature by Jetty
Jetty is a Java servlet-based web application server.
Add a main function, hello-ring.core
, with :main
We will write the main function later.
Our project.clj
file will look like below:
Then go to src/hello_ring directory and edit the core.clj
Our first web application will return a few words. Those are in the HTTP response body part. You can change the words to what you want to see.
Finally, run the web application.
Go to the hello-ring directory which holds the project.clj
$ lein run
2014-01-08 23:03:46.471:INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-7.6.8.v20121106
2014-01-08 23:03:46.502:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started SelectChannelConnector@
Now, the web server has started running. Open your favorite web browser and go to:
You’ll see the words in the browser.
Advice to coaches
Explain moving parts and what the handler
function is doing, if necessary.
What if you want to update the words being displayed in the browser?
You may easily think of editing the handler function.
But how can you reload the updated one?
Unfortunately, our first example doesn’t have a feature to reload.
We need to shut down the web server with Control-C, then restart it with lein run
This is not a good development environment.
In the next example, we will try to make it reloadable.
Since we are using Ring and Leiningen, the easiest way is to add the lein-ring plugin.
Our project.clj
file will look like below.
Look at line 5 and 6.
The line 5 is for the lein-ring plugin, while the line 6 is an instruction to
the lein-ring plugin. We tell the plugin what handler should be monitored.
To connect with the instruction to lein-ring, we are going to create a new file.
The file name is core2.clj
The directory is src/hello_ring
, which is the same as the one with core.clj
└── hello_ring
├── core.clj
└── core2.clj
The core2.clj
will look like below:
This is simpler than our first example. This is because lein-ring takes care of server stuff.
Now, let’s start the server again. The startup command is not lein run
Instead, it is lein ring server
$ lein ring server
Retrieving lein-ring/lein-ring/0.8.10/lein-ring-0.8.10.pom from clojars
Retrieving org/clojure/data.xml/0.0.6/data.xml-0.0.6.pom from central
2014-01-08 23:28:40.135:INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-7.6.8.v20121106
2014-01-08 23:28:40.163:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started SelectChannelConnector@
Started server on port 3000
Once the web server starts up, the web page pops up and shows the words in the core2.clj
Change the words in core2.clj
and reload the page on the browser.
You’ll see the change is reloaded.