In contrast to the lab “Basic web application by Ring”, this lab gets one step closer to a real web application. We will use Compojure in this lab. Compojure is a web application framework that works on top of Ring. Compojure does a lot of jobs necessary to create a web application. Using Compojure, we can focus more on creating web pages.
As always, the first thing we do is create a Clojure project.
BUT it’s not lein new
here. We will type in lein new compojure
Advice to coaches
The command lein new compojure
works on Leiningen 2.0.0 and later.
If attendees are using Leiningen 1, install compojure-template
following the instructions at
Alternatively, upgrade Leiningen to the latest version.
$ lein new compojure hello-compojure
We don’t need to edit project.clj
since the command above does basic setup.
We don’t even need to write code. A simple web application is already there.
So the next step is to start the server.
$ cd hello-compojure
$ lein ring server
Once the web server starts, a web page pops up with the message “Hello World”.
Glance at the files that have been created by the lein command.
├── project.clj
├── resources
│ └── public
├── src
│ └── hello_compojure
│ └── handler.clj
├── target
│ ├── classes
│ └── stale
│ └── extract-native.dependencies
└── test
└── hello_compojure
└── test
└── handler.clj
Look at src/hello_compojure/handler.clj
. The file should be the same as the example below.
Change the words of line 7 and reload the web page on the browser. You’ll see the updated words.
Our web application is already set up to serve static pages. Let’s add a static page.
You can put static pages in resources/public
or its subdirectories.
Create a file helloworld.html
└── public
└── helloworld.html
On the browser, go to the URL http://localhost:3000/helloworld.html
You’ll see the page that you just created.
Again, edit the HTML file and reload the same page on the browser.
In most cases, web pages have stylesheets and JavaScript. In this example, we will add a simple stylesheet to helloworld.html.
Advice to coaches
Make sure attendees know about HTML, stylesheets and javascript. If they don’t know those, please explain what those are and what the differences are.
The stylesheet is static, so we will add style.css
under the resources/public
Web developers/designers usually create a directory just for CSS. Following this practice, create a css
└── public
├── css
│ └── style.css
└── helloworld.html
The file style.css
should look like this:
We need to do one more thing. Out HTML file should know that the CSS file exists.
To include style.css
, add line 6 to helloworld.html
Go to the browser and request http://localhost:3000/helloworld.html
You’ll see that the appearance has changed because of the stylesheet.
HTML tutorial
CSS tutorial